This time with him was life-changing!
I met Max while I was working construction in San Diego, around 1983. He was definitely a man God strategically placed in my life, never to imagine the impact he would have on it. As I grew in my friendship with Max, he challenged me to join him a couple evenings a week to hang out with the sailors stationed at Miramar Naval Air Station. He would invite them to get to know Jesus in a personal way. His desire always being to help them grow in their walk with God, and maybe see them do the same one day. This is when I learned to also share the great love that God has for us..."Jesus proved God's passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly." (Romans 5:8)
This time with him was life-changing! As I embraced Max's vision for others, it became mine as well. I marveled at how simply and easily Max would share the Gospel message... Christ died for our sins, but triumphed over death, and how we just need to ask Him into our hearts, to be our Lord and Savior. God was using a "barber from Michigan" to help a "carpenter from San Diego. I will be forever grateful that God brought him into my life and I am certain Max was greeted in heaven with "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
Rich R