I know ONLY God could have orchestrated these life changing events in my life.
I know ONLY God could have orchestrated these life changing events in my life. It began when the Air Force assigned me temporarily to school in late summer of 1978. Initially, I had friends stay at my apartment in Germany. However, several weeks later the Navigator's new rep for Ramstein (Max, Dawn Weighmink) asked permission to have his family settle at the apartment until their rental became available. I consented without hesitations. Upon my return the Weighminks asked to continue their occupancy so I roomed with other Brothers in Christ. The Weighminks invited me to visit, play my piano and get to know them better. Several topics of interest -- we talked about christian dating and relating; Max stated he could use some help especially with administrative tasks associated with ministry. He asked if I would be interested in helping. I said yes and, from this point onward -- God did some magnificent things in my life!
Foremost was "man-to-man" times with Max as he Discipled me (Matt 28: 18-20) from a young christian man to a young man stage of maturity in Christ before departing from Germany to another Air Force assignment (though there have been other mature christians who subsequently invested in my spiritual life -- but, it was Max who began to lay a spiritual foundation of consequence). To this very day I'm still actively and fruitfully involved in the Great Commission (2 Timothy 2:2). Another significant life issue -- the Weighminks mentored me in the process of christian marriage (i.e., 2nd most important decision after accepting Jesus Christ - who, if any, would be my mate to co-labor for a lifetime). Through their mentoring in courtship God blessed me with a partner (my wife)!! Max then - was my Best Man in the marriage journey. I've had a lifetime connection with the Weighmink Family and, especially with Max. 1 Corinthians 4: 15
Max we grieve, for a while, and miss your physical presence with all, but I'm comforted to know that you are now trully home with the Lord. Yes Max, well done faithful servant - 2 Timothy 4: 7-8
Sincerely In Christ - Bert F