Max Weighmink, a Man of Vision and Faith
I first met Max Weighmink 40 years ago when I was a brand new believer in Jesus Christ. Max was the Navigator (Nav) representative for the Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar where I served in the Navy. I took the trusted advice of the Marine officer who just led me to Christ to go to a NAV New Year’s Eve party though he himself couldn’t go. I soon discovered that the party was designed to be a Christian version of setting New Year’s resolutions. In other words, the purpose of Max’s party was to encourage young believers to prioritize spiritual disciplines in their lives. The evening culminated with everyone sitting in a big circle in the living room praying in the new year.
As it drew near to midnight Max began to pray and I’ll never forget what he prayed, “Lord, I ask you to give me FIVE men this upcoming year who will give their lives to full-time ministry.” I estimate there were about 35 people in the room. A rush of excitement shot through me. I quickly opened one eye and began to count the number of sailors in the room. Could I be one of the five? Surely there are more than five sailors here that are far more qualified than I am. Then a thought came to my mind, “Maybe I am one of the five after all. That would be fine with me.”
Max had an evangelistic vision to raise up disciples who would raise up still other disciples and a God-given plan to fulfill his vision. As per his plan, I soon became involved in a weekly discipleship study at the base Chapel. One of the guyschallenged me to have daily devotions, and we began to meet one-on-one before work to read our bibles and pray. I was introduced to scripture memory and was given a navigator scripture memory packet. A couple of weeks after coming to Christ, I heard about Tuesday night evangelism. I had never heard the word “evangelism”. That next Tuesday, God moved me to meet Max at the bowling alley and from there go out two by two learning how and practicing sharing my faith with other sailors at the base and barracks. I discovered that evangelism was a catalyst for all the other spiritual disciplines which I began implementing in my life as a byproduct of Max's faith-filled vision and plan to raise up disciples.
God used Max's vision and his discipleship training ministry to shape the lives of many servicemen and through them, the lives of many others. God answered Max’s 1984 New Year’s prayer for FIVE men he could influence through his NAV discipleship training who would give their lives to full-time ministry. By God’s grace, he led me to Asia with the same evangelistic vision and plan to raise up disciples who make disciples. Secondly, a marine officer who led me to Christ, went on to serve the Lord in Asia, and then Africa. Thirdly, a sailor who accepted my invitation to Max’s weekly Bible study early in 1984 got saved there, later completed Bible college and left to serve in Southeast Asia. Fourthly, an Executive Officer of NAS Miramarturned down the rank of captain to accept Max's invitation to instead serve at Luke Air Force Base as the NAVRepresentative. And, fifthly, God moved a successful carpenter being groomed to assume leadership of a construction company,to resign and instead accept Max's invitation to also go on NAVstaff and serve at Williams Air Force Base as the NAV Representative. All five men above, by God’s design, who were initially shaped by Max’s ministry, and prayed for by him, are still in full-time service to our Lord Jesus Christ advancing His eternal Kingdom making disciples who make disciples…
From this snapshot of Max's life, you can see that Max was indeed a godly, dedicated man of vision and faith. Luke 12:48 says, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required.” Anyone who had the privilege of being discipled by Max has been given much and likewise seeks to finish with strong faith in Jesus Christ. Something that Max used to say, “When you're 95% of the way there you're only halfway done.” Max “fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.” He certainly will hear the blessed commendation of Jesus, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
Forever grateful,
Tom F.