First time in my life that I learned about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

God does work in mysterious ways! As a very young officer in the Air Force at Ramstein Air Force Base, West Germany standing outside of AAFEES bookstore. A female officer who I did not even know came up to me and stated would you like to come to meeting at this address in Rodenbach, Germany. I replied OK? Ended up this was Sue Huggins.

Well this address in Rodenbah was Max and Dawn’s home. Come to find out they were a part of the Navigators’s ministry. While I was raised a Lutheran, this was the first time in my life that I learned about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Max of course challenged me to memorize, of which my first verse was Proverb 3:5-6. That one verse has gotten me through a lot of up’s and downs over my life. Through Max met Leslie Johnsen, Gail and host of others. Thank you Max!

David H


Jedai of Christianity


God Bringing Someone to Dad